[25] Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” — Galatians 5:25 NLT
It’s established in the Word of God that every child of God dwells in the realm of the Spirit (see Romans 8:9). That is, when a person gets born again, he’s translated from the power of darkness to the kingdom of Jesus Christ (see Colossians 1:13), which is the realm of the divine.
But we all know God’s expanse is greater than the entire universe. So His realm of living, which we’re part of as His children, is vast and contains many things. That is why many things are happening in the body of Christ in several places concurrently, and God oversees them all in Majesty.
So in order not to make his children get distracted individually, He created a system whereby His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, would dwell in each of them. I’m happy to say that the Holy Spirit dwells in me, and so should you, fellow Christian. And by that system, the Spirit will be the ultimate guide for each person’s life.
That is why Paul says in Galatians 5:25 that if we’re living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading every part of our lives. The first “Spirit” word used speaks of the realm we’re living in, but the second is about the Holy Spirit in us.
Avoid substituting what you want to do with what God has told you to do.
God uses several ways to teach His people what and what not to do. But in all these things, He hasn’t removed the system whereby He speaks to His people individually.
Dear friend, you have to learn to hear God well when He speaks to you and probably know how He does it because it varies from one person to another. So that if you hear from Him clearly, you’ll honour His Word to submit to His guidance over your life. Because of a truth, He’s the ancient God who knew you before you came to the Earth.
Avoid substituting what you want to do with what God has told you to do. Submit to the Holy Spirit’s leadership, and you’ll walk in the divine light of life.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for building the system whereby Your Spirit dwells in each of Your children. Today, I come before the throne of grace to be empowered to submit to Your leadership and authority over my life – as my Maker, friend and ultimate leader. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 255
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