He said: “In my distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me. From deep in the realm of the dead I called for help, and you listened to my cry.” - Jonah 2:2 NIV
A silent prayer is a prayer said without words coming from the mouth. God hears every prayer we say, even the ones we utter from our hearts, without physical words. If prayer was only about what we physically say, then how would the dumb pray unto God? What makes God hear our prayers isn’t the number of words we say but how we channel the prayers unto Him.
Jonah, in the Bible, was a powerful prophet of God. He showed us that God hears silent prayers said in our hearts. When God sent him to preach in Nineveh, he refused to go. He then paid a fare to board a ship going to Tarshish. God decided to punish him for his disobedience. So He sent a great wind on the sea (Jonah 1:4). Even though Jonah was asleep when the storm came, he was distressed. He knew he had caused this mess.
Thinking he’d die when thrown into the sea, he silently called into the Lord. Even though it wasn’t written in scripture when he said that prayer, it was seen in Jonah 2:2. He said, “in my distress, I called on the Lord, and He answered me”.
God understands that you may not always have the physical strength to pray aloud because of various inconveniences and problems. However, remember that your heart has been connected to Him since the day you got saved. You don’t always have to be in a secluded place to pray. Practice the spiritual habit of praying short, silent prayers from your heart throughout each day. It’ll help you grow spiritually.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional label: KGD // 2021 – 328
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