A Time to Be Silent

“A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak;” — Ecclesiastes 3:7 NKJV

From the beginning, God made life to be in seasons. He made different kinds of light in Genesis 1:14-16 to govern time differences. That is to say that there is time for everything. And until we understand this, we’re likely to misinterpret how we see life due to a lack of discernment of the season we are in right now. Today, I want to share one season of life called silence.

Silence is neither good nor bad. How you use it and the time you use it will either make it profitable to you or disastrous.

Before Jesus appeared before Pilate, He spent a night in the Garden of Gethsemane praying for strength (Luke 22:39-45). After that prayer session, His words were very few till He was crucified and arose. What does this mean?

The various trials he went through were a time to be silent. He knew that if He spoke something, He could be freed but missed fulfilling God’s plan for Him to die and take away the sin of the world (John 19:9-10, John 1:29).

I don’t have much to tell you today. But I’d encourage you to pray and discern God’s season for your life right now. Maybe you’re in school, so God may have led you to work in ministries you never dreamt of serving. It’s a season. Learn whatever you have to learn there because God never sends you anywhere without a purpose.

Be not a rash talker. For it’s the multitude of words that causes men to stumble in speech. Rather than utter words which lead to someone’s downfall, speak words of affirmation that will build another person up in the Lord. Communication doesn’t always have to be verbal. So let your words be few, and learn how to speak through silence.

You’re a blessing.


Oh God, help me to discern your season for my life now. Prompt me to know the time to be silent and the time to speak what’s right for the benefit of others. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 252

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