[34] “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” — Matthew 6:34 NKJV
What Jesus said in Matthew 6:34 is very crucial in the life of every believer, especially men, who tend to think more about working to provide for their families. Here’s a mystery. Jesus didn’t say we shouldn’t plan for tomorrow; He said we shouldn’t worry about it.
There’s a difference between worrying about tomorrow and planning for tomorrow. The former thinks about the future for thinking sake and gradually sinks deep into depression when he finds out that there’s nobody to depend on. But the latter thinks about tomorrow and also what to do to get to the picture he’s seeing in his mind.
There’s one principle in life that will ever be existent, regardless of race or gender. Your mind must be ahead of your body if you want to progress towards your vision. In other words, vision will always exist first in the mind before getting manifested physically. So because this principle holds, if you’re not careful to place your trust in God, the giver of the vision, you’ll start worrying about how to do what He’s showing you in your mind, which is wrong.
See, God doesn’t give you a vision for you to use your human methods to accomplish them. No! He gives it to you so you’ll know how insufficient you are to achieve it so that your faith in His provision will be anchored in Him.
Do not worry about tomorrow. Behold God’s vision upon your life and do what He wants you to do today. You’ll see progression.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for Your provision every day in my life. Increase my focus on Your work, such that I won’t worry about what tomorrow will bring. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 089
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