[13] Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, [14] but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” — John 4:13 - 14 NIV
One time, Jesus was on a ministry trip to Galilee, and He decided to pass through Samaria. On the well of Jacob, He sat down to get some rest. And shortly, a woman came to draw water from that well.
Jesus intentionally said, “Give me to drink” (see John 4:7). But the woman was hesitant because she, perceiving Jesus to be a Jew, thought that it was improper for Him to ask her – a Samaritan for water; for there was an ongoing contention between the two groups of people.
I guess Jesus knew about the issue. But He was focused on creating a nice scene to share the gospel with her, so He ignored that fact. He appeared ordinary to her, and she didn’t know that Jesus – the Living water and gift of God was before her.
In my few years of walking with God and serving in the ministry, I’ve realised that many great people in Christ are so humble and appear normal in the public space that people who don’t know them think they’re ordinary human beings. That’s why so many people miss several divine turnarounds in their lives, all because of a bad welcoming attitude.
Dear man of God, who knows that old woman you ignored to greet her one morning carried one declaration you need to reach God’s high calling upon your life? Dear lady searching for a husband, who knows the God-fearing but poor-today man you’ve been ignoring his calls and messages is God’s answer to your anguished soul and His glorious future for you?
Let’s stop being sarcastic to just anybody we meet. Remember that all men are not the same, even though people can appear with no special distinguishing features. May God give you understanding to see people through His lens, lest you despise the great but ordinary in appearance.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for blessing this Earth with great people who’re ready to bring Your shift to many lives. I pray, Lord, that give me an opening eye to behold people through Your lens and not my understanding, lest I despise the great because of my blurred vision. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 319
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