“I, Daniel, was worn out. I lay exhausted for several days. Then I got up and went about the king’s business. I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding.” - Daniel 8:27 (NIV)
No man can work without getting tired. Tiredness was developed by God to signal the human body that rest is needed. Unfortunately, many people battle with oversleeping and overworking, so they don’t have enough rest, especially at night.
Daniel was a man of God in Babylon. He wasn’t a person who stood on pulpits to preach. However, he used to have multiple strange visions, mostly about the end times. In all these things, he never forgot that he was a prominent government worker. One time, after he had a vision, he lay exhausted for several days. That rest period helped him to recover from the encounters he had had in the recent vision. Then in the next sentence in the same verse (Daniel 8:27 NIV), he got up and went about the king’s business.
God understands the work we do for Him and a living. He doesn’t overburden us with things we can’t handle. Do not say that you just finished praying or having a vision, so you’ll neglect your physical duties. You’re not wiser than God. If you’re employed, work as unto the Lord. After resting, get up and continue your duties. Don’t turn your rest period into a season of perpetual procrastination. May God guide you.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional label: KGD // 2021 – 320
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