“Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt, saying, ‘Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians’? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that we should die in the wilderness.” And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.” — Exodus 14:12,15 NKJV
Many of us like complaining about the issues of life instead of moving forward despite life’s difficulties. We shouldn’t get surprised when challenges come in life because Jesus said they’ll certainly show up (John 16:33). However, how we respond to these situations determines whether we’ll go through them victoriously or they’ll break us down. The Israelites are a perfect example of this.
Before they left Egypt, they told Moses to leave them alone so that they’ll continue to be slaves. Meanwhile, that wasn’t God’s plan for them. God instructed Moses to lead them out despite the issues they’ll face in the wilderness. He wanted the Israelites to worship Him in the wilderness before reaching the promised land (Exodus 7:16). Hence, all that God did for them was for them to recognize His wonders and use those experiences as addends to their worship. But they didn’t know these things.
One time, God intentionally hardened Pharaoh’s heart to pursue the Israelites after they’ve left Egypt so that through victory, He’ll gain glory unto Himself (Exodus 14:4). When the Egyptians drew closer, the Israelites started launching complaints unto Moses to the extent that he got troubled.
In Exodus 14:12-13, the Bible records how Moses spoke to control the people. But in verse 15, God asked Moses this question “Why do you cry to Me?” Yes, Moses comforted the people. But from God’s own words, Moses was crying unto Him. The people saw Moses’ words, but God saw his anxious heart. Instead of Moses telling the people to move on, he resorted to encouraging them.
Sometimes, God doesn’t want us to encourage those facing troubles. He wants us, His children, to preferably inspire them to press on instead of looking back at their situation only to complain.
If God tells you that “Hey, refuse to look back!” then He has prepared some miracles ahead for you. However, until you press on and obey Him, you’ll not see those miracles. If Moses hadn’t heeded God’s voice, he wouldn’t have known God could divide an entire sea to make His people cross on dry grounds.
What are you facing? Are you responding to your situations with complaints or with an ardent spirit that’s always ready to deal with circumstances and move on in faith?
Life isn’t always about the ups. There are downs too. But when God is in your case, He will carry you through the downs and still grow you through those moments to come up again and again. Come on, move on in the faith! Refuse to look back. Press on!
You’re a blessing.
Lord Jesus, I receive grace to press on. I refuse to look back in complaints. I embrace the new seasons you’ve prepared ahead of me and carry on in my faith in You. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 183
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