“[17] Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.” — Proverbs 3:17 NIV
It pleased me when I realised that peace is the all-round definition of wise paths the moment I read Proverbs 3:17. Later, I understood why many people blame God for their wrong choices, which have made them experience unnecessary hurts and pain, yet with life lessons.
Years ago, I remember approaching one young man who appeared to be active on our pages to join our leaders’ team. As I was thinking about it, I didn’t feel at ease about the decision. But because he expressed great interest in our ministry and upon speaking to him, he was joyous, so I moved on with it.
Later, he gave our team problems and dwindled in commitment. And today, he’s no more part of our team. If I had listened to God, I would have been saved from all these struggles. However, I learnt my lesson that not all people who’re quick responders to ministry qualify for leadership positions.
All the paths of wisdom are peace, the Bible says. That means if you don’t have peace within you for that decision you want to take, it’s not wise to pursue it. Otherwise, you’ll sign up for future hurts you could have avoided. This thing I’m speaking of is the primary reason why so many people live broken and disappointed in life.
It’s good to think about your future so as to make decisions today. But do you consult God before making your moves?
God is the Alpha and the Omega (see Revelation 1:8). He knows the end from the beginning. That means He knows what’s in your future. That’s why He wants to guide you every step of the way starting today. Will you submit to him?
Don’t take life into your own hands and expect everything to flow like you think. Life is filled with too many uncertainties. So don’t let your mental calculations of how things should work out for you end up deceiving you. Walk in wisdom by choosing and mingling with wise friends. They’ll help you.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for the provision of wisdom in my life. Help me connect to wise people in Christ who’ll be able to guide me through all my life’s endeavours. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 336
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