“I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word.” — Psalms 119:101 NIV
I once had a long conversation with a friend who told me how beneficial and yet sometimes hard to follow God. He told me how much his life had transformed drastically after a few years of staying committed to God’s message of salvation. And I was highly impressed.
The truth is, it doesn’t cost to obey God; it pays. In other words, it may be hard to do what God tells you, but when you compare it to disobeying God, there’s a vast benefit to choosing to do the former.
Most people who are detours to generational blessings usually refuse to pay the price to follow Jesus. They look for money, fame, and other earthly things, thinking having an abundance of possessions means they are making it in life.
It doesn’t cost to obey God; it pays.
Amongst all the kings of Israel, David was the only one God said in 1 Samuel 13:14 that he’s a man after His heart. Why? Because he learned how to make conscious sacrifices to obey God from the time he was alone tending the flock in the wilderness. So when he became king, his abundant riches and influence never turned his heart away from God.
David kept his feet from evil people only to stay true to God’s Word. In today’s world, it’s just like consciously deciding to disassociate yourself from bad people to preserve the prophecies upon your life.
The devil is still in the business of sending evil people in the paths of God’s children in order to sway them off their divine mandates. It could come as a spammy email, a huge business deal to test your greed, or a highly demanding job to pull you out of your time of fellowship with Jesus. Don’t be deceived.
Let the prophecies about Your life ring in your mind daily. Let that divine vision affect each choice you make so that you remain on course with God. Remember that the sacrifices you make today will become beneficial to yourself and your generation, if not now, later in future. Remain consecrated in Christ.
You’re a blessing.
Oh God, strengthen me to lay hold on Your promises. No matter the circumstances around my life, may I never forget Your prophecies about myself in Your Word. Help me to stay committed to Your mission. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 064
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