Live Out Your Time As A Foreigner On Earth

“Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear.” — 1 Peter 1:17 NIV

Have you been to a national embassy before? Their premises are way different from the country they are located. The laws of every country apply to every part of its land except for the embassies of nations in it. Why? Because the people in the embassy operate by the laws of their country. What can this mean to us as Christians?

Heaven is our home. We’re on earth for a temporary time frame. And in that time, we have divine mandates to fulfil that seek to extend the government of God’s kingdom here.

However, when we decide to abandon our purposes and mingle ourselves with worldly people, we live in forgetfulness, thinking we came to make a name, fame and a living here.

Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, says you must live out your time as a foreigner on Earth, not as a permanent inhabitant. That means there’s a fixed time for your life here, and whatever you do with your life will be judged by God.

If every believer, like you and me, will live with eternity in mind, many of our actions and choices will be affected by the gospel. If everyone is conscious that Jesus is coming soon, no preacher would have to shout on the streets inviting people to get saved.

There’s a fixed time for your life here, and whatever you do with your life will be judged by God.

Could it be you’re now so Earth-conscious that you’re making decisions without thinking about God’s will? What about your usage of money? Well, I’m not advocating you to give every penny you earn or have to God. No! I’m saying, reorient your thinking to become more eternity-conscious. In other words, look out to do everything to glorify God and expand His kingdom.

For example, some people buy clothes to show off. But when God shows you that having clothes is a necessity to keep doing your divine mandate, that deed contributes to the expansion of God’s kingdom. Why? Because you can’t go out preaching naked? And you can’t go to your office without clothes! So you will have clothes like that of the unbeliever, but you’ll understand its purpose better, making it your slave.

God has reasons for giving you everything you have. But when you don’t understand its purpose, the devil will make you find your identity in them. And that’s a dangerous thing. Use your possessions to glorify God and help you fulfil your purpose.

You’re a blessing.


Father, teach me the divine purpose for whatever I have and use. Grant me the conscience of living out my time as a foreigner on earth while I wait for the second coming of Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 069

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Devotional | Live out your time as a foreigner on earth
Devotional | Live out your time as a foreigner on earth
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