[10] “As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
[11] so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” – Isaiah 55:10-11 (NIV)
Anytime it rains, do you see the ground dry? Of course not. It gets wet. So rain never leaves the ground dry when it falls. It does its job of watering trees, wetting grounds, irrigating farms, and more. With this same analogy in view, God’s Word says that His Word won’t come back to Him empty. But what? Accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it.
God is a God of His Word. When He says something, He doesn’t change it. So when He releases a Word, all the divine powers those words need to accomplish everything it was sent for have been deployed and attached. That is why it is dangerous to speak against the Bible and to touch God’s anointed. The Bible contains God’s words. The anointed servants of the Lord also carry God’s message. When they speak, God has spoken because He releases His Words to them, especially the prophets.
Don’t let the devil deceive you. Every word of prophecy God has released upon your life will be fulfilled. But be careful. You don’t determine the time God will fulfil it. Your work is to believe in Him and labour consistently in prayers for that Word to be fulfilled. Never despise prophecies or God’s Word. For they carry power.
Blessed be Your holy name, God, for Your words of prophecy in my life. I pray that my faith in what You want to accomplish in my life never dwindles. Help me, God, as I fulfil destiny daily. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2025 – 007