Give Your Whole Heart to God

[26] “My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways,” – Proverbs 23:26 (NIV)

God created man with many compartments. Take your body for example. There are numerous organs in it that ought to be studied detailedly for a proper understanding of how it works. What about your soul – mind, will and emotions? There are also numerous things to learn about. And then the spirit man? Obviously, there is even more to learn about it. But upon all these potential areas of study, the Almighty of the whole universe found nowhere to ask of man except the heart.

In Proverbs 23:26, God said, through Solomon, that give Him your heart and let your eyes delight in His ways. That means that your heart is the most valuable asset you can ever give to God. Following that, staying glued to delighting in God’s ways is awesome for Him.

Look here, friend. Whatever God tells you to give Him is for your own good. In fact, if you don’t give your heart to God or shun letting your eyes delight in His ways, you are just inviting trouble for yourself, if not now, near the future. When you give your heart to God, it’ll be easy for you to be led by Him. But when you don’t give your heart to Him, you’ll invest in the flesh – mundane things which carry no eternal value.

God didn’t give you this life for an experiment. No! He gave it to you to fulfil purpose. Give your heart to Him and let your eyes keep delighting in His ways. He will help you and beautify your life wholesomely.


Father, I give my heart to You today. Make it a place where your leadership flows with ease in my life. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 261

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