[12] “Ears that hear and eyes that see — the Lord has made them both.” — Proverbs 20:12 NIV
Do you recognise your Maker in all your ways? Maybe you’re used to enjoying everyday life and fulfilling multiple responsibilities without recognising the God who gave you all the grace to do what you’re doing. It’s time to repent.
Proverbs 20:12 tells us it’s the Lord that made both hearing ears and seeing eyes. If He made them, it means He knows their purposes since God doesn’t create anything without a purpose – whether man discovers it or not.
God doesn’t create anything without a purpose – whether man discovers it or not.
Solomon was a king upon writing these things. Yet, he meditated so much on the things of God that he concluded – whether it’s hearing ears and seeing eyes, God made them, not his intellect or exceptional creativity. He gave God credit for His wondrous works in lives.
Many of the privileges you’re enjoying today didn’t come from you. They came by the working of grace. So if you got those things by grace, don’t try maintaining them through human efforts. Seek the Lord for wisdom to preserve and grow what He has given you. He will empower you to take responsibility for what He started.
You’re a blessing.
Lord, thank You for Your wondrous works on earth. I pray for grace to have its perfect work in my life, recognising You as my Source and provider in all my ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 219
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