“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable,” — 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 NIV
Sexual immorality is like a plague in this modern generation, especially the youth. Most African children aren’t taught God’s definition and purpose for sex by their parents. As a result, many children and youth learn concepts about sex from the wrong places such as in peers, movies, pornographic magazines and videos, and biological books. That has made it difficult for many people, even some Christians, to obey God’s command against all forms of sexual immorality.
According to 1 Thessalonians 4:3, it’s God’s will for each Christian to avoid sexual immorality. Then in verse 4, Paul explains how to do it. It’s all about self-control. Yes! You heard me right. Control your body!
Self-control is indeed a fruit of the Spirit. But here, Paul says each should learn how to control one’s own body. So that means how the Holy Spirit will help brother A to control his body is different from sister B. The question is: do you know your template? For someone I know, he doesn’t sit in his office with a female alone, except with his wife. What about you? I cannot give you a specific way to do it. Find that one out from God, and ask Him for the divine enablement to follow such principles in your life.
Remember that before you indulge yourself in sexual immorality, think of the guilt and demons you’ll allow into your life rather than a few minutes of sexual satisfaction pleasure the devil paints in your mind. A condom can protect you from sexually transmitted infections but can’t stop you from getting an unwanted demon – (Uebert Angel). Learn to control your body.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 081
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