“Desire without knowledge is not good— how much more will hasty feet miss the way!” — Proverbs 19:2 NIV
Everyone, from time to time, conceives desires in mind and heart to do something. Sometimes, it manifests as an inner inspiration to give a gift to someone or do someone good.
Genuinely, a lot of these actions aren’t wrong per se. However, implementing these desires doesn’t always go as well as we want every time. Have you sat down to analyse why this happens? Proverbs 19:2 teaches that desire without knowledge is not good. Then it explains further that it’s like a hasty person who misses how to fulfil a desire well.
I remember years ago when one junior student approached me to help him build a website. I asked him how and why he wanted it? But he couldn’t give me a befitting answer. This teenage boy had a desire to own a website but didn’t have knowledge of how to build it and for which purpose he wanted it.
Here’s my point. It’s good to conceive desires, even godly desires in your heart, to do something. Sometimes, it’s God that places it there. But friend, don’t just start implementing it. Seek purposeful knowledge on how it gets done. If the Bible says there’s nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9), then probably someone has already done what you want to do.
Read books, and articles, watch applicable videos and consume all other related content that would help you channel the desire(s) in your heart to decent implementation. If you do this, you’ll reduce the number of mistakes others commit on their route to high-ranking impact. Life isn’t about how fast you do something but how well you do it. Study the Bible. Invest in your education. Train people to help you, and make good use of internet resources.
You’re a blessing.
Father, I’ve learnt from your Word to back my desires with knowledge. Help me not to pursue the longings in my heart ignorantly. Make helpful resources I’d need to fulfil your desires available to me in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 221
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