“Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.” — John 15:20 NIV
“A servant isn’t greater than his master” – a simple statement first uttered by Jesus Christ has now become a guideline to several people serving in organisations. For some educational background reasons, many people think they are greater than their bosses, especially at work because they went to school or got a degree their boss didn’t get. We must be cautious of this behaviour because it breeds pride and is usually toxic for teamwork.
As a worker or a disciple to your leader, especially in a ministry or a workplace, you may have more requisite skills than your boss, leader or pastor in a specific area of life. That doesn’t mean you’re greater than him. In fact, you’re different with different skills, so you can contribute to the growth of the overall vision of the organisation, not take another person’s place.
You’re different with different skills, so you can contribute to the growth of the overall vision of the organisation, not take another person’s place.
In Christ, no matter who you are, be conscious that you’re under authority. Hence, you must submit to it, both in Christendom and in society. However, that shouldn’t limit you because you can invest in yourself and develop more skills since God can take you to a better place anytime. Don’t be disturbed when your ideas get rejected by the organisation you belong. If they’re visionary, keep them in the archives of your life. Maybe, you are the one meant to carry out that mandate personally.
If people persecuted Jesus, they’d persecute you. But once you are inspired by a vision to do what you’re doing, keep moving forward. God won’t fail you.
You’re a blessing.
Oh God, thank you for giving me a safety tip against arrogance – that I’m not greater than who I serve under – both in Christ and my society. Lead and guide me in the way everlasting as I learn how to manage diverse relationships in my life. Thank You, Jesus, for grace. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 015
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