
Articles by The Bible Daily Network Team

Showing 12 of 180 Results

Applying the Law of Persistence in Prayer

There are some requests you make to heaven that don’t get sorted out by a few seconds of prayer. No! For some, you must pray about the same thing for months and even years. One of them is prayer for your loved ones to be saved. That kind of prayer doesn’t usually yield results overnight but over time.

Be Content with What You Have

Jesus Himself said in Mathew 6:31-32 that you should not worry about what to eat, drink or wear, for our Father in Heaven knows your needs. Many of us lose consciousness of our Father’s capability to provide, which shouldn’t be the case. Learn to depend on God for provision.

Whoever Obeys My Word Will Not See Death

Jesus said in John 8:51 that “… whoever obeys my Word will never see death.” That means that even when we are in Christ and do not obey God’s Word, we are prone to face consistent hardship in life, and unfortunately, many believers are living like this. They are in Christ but disregard the authority of His Word over their lives. As followers of Christ, we must rely solely on His Word always. We ought to treasure it and carve it on our hearts.

Pray Until You Get Direction

Just as a lighthouse guides ships safely through stormy seas, God’s Word illuminates our path and orders our steps with divine clarity (see Psalm 119:105). You must pray until you get direction from God whenever you get stuck.

Do Not Work for Food that Spoils

God has created work from the book Genesis when He set man over the entire universe to till and subdue it. You are not only to work for food and earthly satisfaction but live a life of purpose and fulfilment. God has called you to impact generations. Live as such!!

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