Utilise The Service of Angels

“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” — Hebrews 1:14 NKJV

I think it’s such a long time since I spoke about angels and probably heard other ministers preach about them. So many of us are so used to praying unto God that we forget to utilise the service of angels sent forth by God to help us believers, who’re heirs of salvation.

Scripture is clear that God thinks about men more than angels (Psalm 8:4). God is so concerned with revolutionising every area in this world with His kingdom. But He knows men are helpless without Him. So to provide more help to us, He has sent angels to minister for (serve) us.

Angels aren’t just your bodyguards; they are your servants.

That means, as a believer, you have the spiritual authority to command an angel to do a kingdom assignment you can’t do for yourself. An example is sending one to orchestrate the salvation of a stubborn criminal in another country you’ve heard of committing crimes through the news.

Everything is possible with God. Angels aren’t just your bodyguards; they are your servants. You’re an heir of salvation. So stop struggling to do something you’re helpless with. Seek God, and send your angels to do the work. Remember that it’s God’s will for you to prosper through meaningful work. So employ all the resources from heaven to do your assignment.

You’re a blessing.


Father, help me use the ministering spirits you’ve sent in my life effectively for the advancement of Your kingdom on earth wherever I am and go. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 117

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Devotional | Utilise the service of angels
Devotional | Utilise the service of angels
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