Minister Grace unto People

“Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” - Proverbs 16:24 NKJV

Words are like seeds. They generate what you consistently say for you. Seeds don’t grow over a day. Rather, consistent irrigation and supplication of every element needed for their germination are very important. Many people aren’t conscious that what they say consistently forms part of their lives and eventually produces what they see. And as a result of that, they keep saying things that have adverse effects on their destiny without even realising the harm they are causing to their lives. Such a tragedy!

Words are like seeds. They generate what you consistently say for you.

As children of God, our words carry power. The words we speak can impact people’s lives positively or negatively based on their content and presentation. When you decide to speak pleasantly, the scripture says those words become just like a honeycomb with two additional functionalities: sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.

So many people put up faces contrary to their issues. Such people are broken within them but portray a nice appearance. You may never know what your words can do to others. Minister grace unto people by speaking words of comfort, and watch how God transforms their lives.

You’re a blessing.

Devotional label: KGD // 2021 – 306

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Proverbs 16 verse 24
Devotional – Minister Grace Unto People – Proverbs 16:24 NKJV
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