[6] “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.” – Matthew 7:6 (NKJV)
Have you ever heard of significant office documents being given to a dog as food before? Certainly not. No boss will ever do that. But why? Because those documents are so valuable that a dog having it will treat it as nothing and might eventually tear them apart, causing huge losses to the company. It’s just a simple principle – you give what is valuable to valuable people.
Jesus taught this very clearly. He told His disciples (and now to us as believers) not to give what is holy to dogs, not to cast pearls before swine. Now, that was a figurative speech Jesus said to warn us about how we ought to behave in the midst of unbelievers.
For instance, if you’re a pastor having a part-time job with unbelievers as your co-workers, it’ll be detrimental to talk about ministry matters with them. Why? Because such people don’t know the Lord, much more to serve Him. Those people need the message of salvation, not to hear discussions of church issues with them.
We live in an evil age. So you’ve got to be circumspect in your interactions with people. In one renowned pastor’s book I read about church administration, he said that ministers shouldn’t talk about private matters to the general public. For him, he doesn’t like granting interviews to journalists. It’s better to keep quiet about topics you don’t know how to address well than to say something others will pick you up on, if not now, then in future.
Beware of people who come into your life to spy on what God has called you to do. May the Lord give you strength in the face of life’s difficulties and always help you to cherish people who’ll love you despite your flaws and differences.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for Your immense love upon my life. Assist me to know what to say at what time and to which people always. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 237
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