[20] “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” — Matthew 18:20 NKJV
In today’s busy world, several people don’t see the importance of gathering together in the name of Jesus for prayers and service. They’re in church, yet their minds are on what to do next after church. And because such people’s attention is divided, they usually don’t get the full understanding of God’s Word being shared. The devil also takes advantage of that and steals the Word from their hearts (see Matthew 13:19). What a tragedy!
How jealous do you guard God’s Word in your heart? This question can’t be instantly answered. There needs to be a mind and heart check before you can get an accurate answer to it.
Jesus said where two or three are gathered together in His name, He’s in their midst. Note He didn’t just say “gathered” but “gathered together.” Therefore, according to Him, His presence is present in the midst of people who gather with one accord (mind) in His name. That means the gathering is not limited to location. Instead, it’s dependent on the mindset of the people who gather for ministry to push forward.
When you go to church, forget about what’s happening at home. Be intentional about maintaining an undisturbed composure when listening to the Word. Because of a truth, for the spirit of agreement to work amongst those who’ve gathered to worship Jesus, concentration on what God is doing is very necessary. The Lord be with you!
Father, thank You for Your promise that You’re in the midst of at least two people gathering together in Your name. Help me never to waver in thought while receiving your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 076
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