Feed Your Mind with the Things of God

“[5] Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” — Romans 8:5 NIV

In every radio device, multiple channels have been programmed into its receiving antenna. The user determines which channel he wants to listen to by tuning it to his desired frequency. Other stations can’t question the user’s choice. However, that user will either benefit from listening to good content or get fed with immoral things from the channel he’s listening to. Right? That’s the power of media influence. You’ll either benefit or get destroyed by what you consistently listen to.

Nevertheless, this isn’t a recent principle. It existed ages before Jesus came. Adam was listening to God only till another human, Eve, who got deceived by the serpent, stepped in to influence her husband to do something God had forbidden. Today, due to the rise of internet portals and apps, we live in a generation of many voices. Social media is speaking, people are talking, and media stations disseminating information over the air. I want to tell you that whatever you consume, over time, it’ll start influencing your life heavily.

However, as believers, what should our minds be focused on? Is it on the everyday ominous news you hear from the news, or on God’s kingdom? The latter is beneficial.

Romans 8:5 tells us that those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. And what is the desire of the Spirit? Entirely to glorify Jesus through the expansion of His kingdom upon all things (see John 16:14-15, Ephesians 4:10).

So if you’re a child of God and yet have no dealings with the work of the ministry, you’re not keeping in step with the Holy Spirit. You can be a life coach, medical practitioner, computer programmer, or whatever; living by the Spirit requires you to feed your mind with the things of God.

It’s dangerous to get up in the morning, go to work or school and have all kinds of relationships with spiritually shallow people while treating your fellowship with God as an afterthought. It won’t profit you. In fact, you may not see its damaging effect today. But over time, you’ll start seeing fruitlessness in your life because of your disconnection from the Lord.

Everything earthly is temporary. Therefore, place a premium attention on your relationship with God. Feed your mind with the things of God every single day.

You’re a blessing.


Oh God, let it never leave my conscience to get connected to you every day of my life. I pray that I’ll not be so engrossed in the cares and vicissitudes of life that I neglect the gathering of Your holy brethren. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 033

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Devotional - Feed your mind with the things of God
Devotional – Feed your mind with the things of God
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