“Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.” — Ephesians 4:28 NIV
God didn’t create anybody’s hand to do nothing in this world. Yes, it could be that many people don’t know their purpose, and for that reason, they haven’t yet gotten involved in their actual work; or they are managing their lives with a job for now. But that doesn’t mean they should be lazy. They must work.
Peter, for eternity, was called to be a preacher to the Jews. But he was a fisherman till Jesus showed up and turned him to be a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19). Sometimes, it requires one man of vision to step up for God to use him to reorder lives. But should that not happen, or hasn’t yet happened, our hands must always be committed to doing something useful, whether purpose-related or not.
God didn’t create anybody’s hand to do nothing in this world.
In the Ephesian church, Apostle Paul realised that some were stealing. They couldn’t find enough financial provisions to cater for their needs, so they opted to steal. Then he warned them that they must not steal anymore. But they must do something useful with their hands.
When you’re idle, the devil can suggest destructive thoughts to you to give your life to iniquity. But when you’re busy, you’ll have no time for foolish things. Not everyone is called to be a minister. Not everyone is called to stand before a pulpit and preach. Yet, everyone in Christ has been called to do something useful with his hands.
There’s so much potential in you. As your mind goes to work, actualise the godly ideas in you by putting your hands to work. And God will protect you from doing evil things.
You’re a blessing.
Oh God, I pray that today, give me something useful for my hands to get involved in. To curb idleness, supply me with the kind of life endeavour I was foreordained to live, even before coming to Christ Jesus. Amen.
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 020
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