“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” — 1 Peter 4:8 NIV
In the family of believers, there are always relational problems. One offends another, and another gossip about a fellow. Because there are variations in the level of spiritual growth in the Church, crises among people will persist. And although Jesus doesn’t want it that way, He’s still in the process of building His church no matter what happens.
To keep the mission of Jesus always in focus, Apostle Peter makes a profound statement in 1 Peter 4:8 that will guard us against becoming distracted despite the now-and-then emerging problems amongst people in the church. He says, “Above all, love each other deeply …”. That’s interesting. But he adds, “… for love covers a multitude of sins.”
The word “cover” in 1 Peter 4:8 means to hide or veil the knowledge of a thing. So God’s love has the power to forgo wrongs easily without repercussions, making it even easier to keep the heart content of the child of God free from offences.
God’s love has the power to forgo wrongs easily without repercussions, making it even easier to keep the heart content of the child of God free from offences.
The multitude of offences pricks on the hotness of God’s love in your heart. The moment you allow the hurts, disappointments and pain to take root in your heart and form strongholds in your mind, you’ll make it wax cold if love (Matthew 24:12).
Friend, don’t carry this burden of offences. When you’re tempted not to forgive another person who did something evil to you, remember how bad you were before Jesus saved you. If that’s not enough, remember how much patience Jesus has had for you to grow spiritually. For these two reasons, love one another in the body of Christ.
You’re a blessing.
Oh God, make my heart free of offences. Help me make Your love in my heart consistently warm and overflowing so that people will benefit from it unselfishly. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 137
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