“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” - Psalms 68:5 NIV
Having a father is wonderful. But what if you didn’t have the privilege to have one? Or what if you had an irresponsible dad? Statistics show that many children aren’t well-fathered by their biological fathers, especially the males. Even in the Bible, glimpses of this issue are featured. Think of how many times Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father, was mentioned in the Bible, especially after Jesus began full-time ministry? Think about the whereabouts of Jesse, David’s father, when Saul was persecuting him.
If you’re one of those who are either under-fathered or fatherless, I present to you the God, who’s a Father to the fatherless. His unique love for each of us is unending and always constantly filled to the brim, no matter our bad attitudes. He’s your defender, protector, and provider, and a lot more. However, all these privileges are limited to us because of two main things: whether we’re saved or not and how much we believe He can do for us.
God provides rain for everyone, but His favour isn’t in everybody’s life. Why? Because some don’t have an intimate relationship and covenant with Him. Friend, God will never leave nor forsake you no matter what you’ve lost or how dark your past has been. But treasure Him in your heart as your loving heavenly Father as you delight yourself in Him.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 042
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