Roadblocks to Following Jesus Wholeheartedly


There is a street jargon that goes like, “follow who knows the road”. Follow the one who knows the terrain (because you do not know it). Jesus Christ knows every possible road: the physical human “road” (life) because, as a man, He was full of wisdom, and the spiritual “road” (life) because He is God Himself (see Luke 2:52). Logically, it is only natural that you follow your leader. However, it is not an easy task since there are roadblocks to following Jesus wholeheartedly. Here are some.

#1 Zeal without service

In the Bible, there was a certain scribe, very zealous and ready to follow Jesus wherever He would go, who approached Him with that same desire. Jesus said to him,

“Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” – Matthew 8:20 (NKJV)

Since then, nobody heard of this scribe following Jesus again in the Bible. Why? He had the zeal and thought it would come with privileges, not sacrifices. Back then, the priests of the Jews were served very well in ministry. So that was the scribe’s subconsciousness. However, in Christ, whoever follows Jesus becomes a servant just like Him. Yes, even animals, who are not labouring to restore the relationship man lost with God, have places to sleep, but the same privilege isn’t guaranteed for the minister. Don’t let your zeal to serve God depend on what you’ll get for honouring His call. You might be disappointed. Serve God faithfully and allow Him to reward you in His way.

#2 Prioritising family voices over God

We come into this world through our earthly family. Jesus came to this world through Mary, His earthly mom. Indeed, the family is very important and is one of the primary reasons God instituted marriage from the Genesis of creation. From this, it can be understood why, in Matthew 8:20-21, one of His disciples dared to tell Jesus to let him go and bury his father first before following Him.

Family members are the closest people many of us have in our lives. However, the goal for each and every one of us in the family is to rebuild the relationship we lost with God. However, we become so attached to our earthly family that we think our relationship with them comes first before our relationship with God. A minister may have to forfeit “important” family duties when Jesus calls. It is far more difficult than lacking a place to lay your head. But there’s grace to make that decision.

#3 Let the dead bury the dead

After the disciple asked Jesus to let him go and honour his dead father by burial, this was the reply Jesus gave him, “follow me; and let the dead bury their dead” (Matthew 8:22). For years, I did not want to come around it, I felt strongly within myself that unless I hate my family, I cannot do what Jesus asked. But I have come to the light of His word. Was the disciple the only child of his father? If he had not gone, would the body lay there till it rotted? What if he was the only child or all of his siblings and relatives were disciples of Jesus (like they should)?

Jesus said the dead can bury their dead, but only if he (the disciple) will follow Him (first). He has power over men, dead and alive. Sometimes, we worry and put so many things first. But if we learn to put God first in all things, He will take care of our problems when they arise behind the scenes as we focus on serving Him. It is very important to prioritise what God says above everything else and not to worry. For He says in Matthew 6:33 that in seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness first, all other things shall be added unto us.

We do not know the way; Jesus is the way, so we follow Him. Following and serving in your family is essential, but following Jesus and serving in God’s kingdom purpose is more important. Lack of service, prioritising family voices over God, and not allowing the dead to bury their dead are roadblocks to following Jesus that we create ourselves. Trusting and putting Jesus first as a leader is the way to go on our journey with Him.

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