“[24] When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. [25] But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.” — Matthew 1:24 - 25 NIV
Being a youth for a few years now, I’ve had the privilege of counselling many young singles, men and women alike, who anticipate entering into relationships or having problems with their partners. I realised that each gender (male and female) goes through some turmoil. But when God steps in to bring the mind home, things become easy.
And while I studied about Advent, I saw what I experienced replicated in scripture. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, was committed to marrying Mary. But he got to know that Mary was pregnant. So he wanted to dissolve that relationship. Nevertheless, that marriage was heavily prophetic because Joseph belonged to the family line of David (see Luke 2:4) and hence, from the tribe of Judah. So without him being connected to Jesus, we wouldn’t have any right to say Jesus is the Lion of Judah.
When he decided to divorce Mary, God stepped in not because of Joseph but to protect His prophetic words from getting annulled by one grieved man. Well, I can’t say Joseph’s decision was demonic because it was according to the law, which he was faithful to. However, that decision was unwise when viewed through the lens of destiny. So after God spoke to Joseph through a dream, he woke up and took Mary home as his wife, just as he got told in the dream.
There are few men who’re willing to stay committed to flawed spinsters in a relationship, even godly ones. But as a godly unmarried female reading this, I pray that may God give you a spiritually submissive husband who’ll love you earnestly with a pure heart despite your imperfections.
Whether you’re expecting a godly partner to show up in your life or not, this Word is for you. Man, pray that God gives you a godly woman who’s submissive unto the Lord and respectful to you. Woman, pray that God guides the right man to come for you at the right season of your life.
It’s not God’s will for you to always have problems in your relational life. Value peace, follow God’s principles and help each other become all that God created you to be unto His glory.
You’re a blessing.
Lord, give me a spouse that’s submissive first unto You and filled with divine wisdom in all life endeavours. So that from glory to glory, our union will speak Christ to generations. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 352
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