“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” - John 15:16 NIV
The mystery of divine election by grace in Christ is still active today. Jesus chooses whom He wills for His service, and nobody can question Him for that.
When Jesus was about to start His ministry, He met a lot of people He could have chosen to be His disciples. But He decided to choose the twelve. Did that mean the others weren’t qualified? No! In God’s long-term plan for eternity, those twelve apostles were ordained just for that work. They could have been born centuries before Jesus came. But they were alive at that time ordained by God.
God wants everybody to be saved. But He hasn’t chosen everyone to be in full-time ministry. So instead of questioning God about why He hasn’t chosen some people to serve full-time in the ministry, ask Him to show you what He has called you to do. Godly service is never limited to pulpits. In fact, the number of people who serve God behind the pulpits is more than those who preach the gospel in church.
Are you born again? If yes, then Jesus has chosen you. Ask Him to show you your specific calling in His kingdom and the materials needed to fulfill it. Don’t abandon kingdom assignments. Instead, ask for resources to do it diligently because you’ll account before God at the end (Romans 14:12).
“Jesus chooses whom He wills.” Always remember this statement before condemning anybody for serving the Lord. God loves everyone uniquely.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 018
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