“Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” — Genesis 2:25 NIV
A common factor contributing to the breakdown of many relationships today is mistrust. Today, it’s easy for partners to lose trust in each other because of hidden chats with people on social media and the internet. Some people even cheat with others on their phones, and their partners aren’t even aware of it. But what does the scripture say about transparency in relationships?
In Genesis 2:25, it’s written that Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. Although a layman’s understanding of this scripture means that they were without clothes, it goes deeper than that.
This first couple — Adam and Eve was covered by God’s glory. And it was so strong that they couldn’t realise they were without physical clothes. Secondly, there was nothing to hide in their union. Whether it’s properties, conversations, suggestions, ideas or actions, they felt no shame sharing them. That is relationship transparency, where each partner is not afraid to share whatever one has with the other because God is the security of their union.
Today, when people are about to get married, they sign a prenuptial agreement to protect their properties before their union. To the world, it seems “good.” But when analysed by God’s Word, it’s just the manifestation of selfishness. If you’re not selfish, then you’ll honour God’s process of two becoming one in all things (Genesis 2:24) in marriage. That includes properties, lands, and even your bodies (1 Corinthians 7:4).
We, the children of God, are not supposed to follow the devil’s evil ways in this world. No! We must follow the ways of God. We must follow the principles of God.
Love shares without any fear of loss. Desire and work on transparency in your relationships, especially in marriage. Be accountable to each other so that the devil will not suggest evil thoughts of mistrust in your partner’s mind.
You’re a blessing.
Father, help me to be transparent in my relationship with my partner. As Adam and Eve felt no shame even in their nakedness, root out every ounce of selfishness in my heart. Help me to be accountable to my partner without shame or fear as we honour Your command that says, “and the two shall become one flesh.” In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 102
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