Can God Trust You With His Secret?

[14] “The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; And he will shew them his covenant.” – Psalm 25:14 KJV

Psalm 25:14 is one eye-opening scripture I’ve seen in the Bible. It says those who fear the Lord are those whom He entrusts His secret with. So the question is, can God trust you with His secret?

God is very good. He welcomes anybody who accepts Jesus as Lord and personal saviour into His marvellous kingdom. But how close any of His children will come to Him depends on us. If God’s secret is not with every Christian but with those who fear Him, then for sure, there are other believers who don’t have any fear of God in their lives, although they are born again. And this is tragic.

Dear friend, I don’t want you to be labelled among those who are in Christ and still don’t know God. No! Don’t trade your relationship with God for Earthly things. Instead, prioritise it in your life. Never stop praying. Never stop studying the Word. As you draw closer to Him, He will start revealing His mysteries to you.

You’re a blessing.


Father, I choose to draw near to You. Help me never to downplay my fellowship with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2025 – 026

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Devotional - Can God Trust You with His Secrets
Devotional – Can God Trust You with His Secrets
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