“[43] “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ [44] But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” - Matthew 5:43 - 44 NIV
Who do you show God’s love to, child of God? Is it to those you know they’ll do you no evil, or to everyone? When you’re consistent with church, it’s easy to make friends with good people. And you might probably find it hard to know if there are enemies in your life. So when Jesus said, “Love your enemies,” I wondered how it related to us believers of today, especially ministers so engrossed in the work of the ministry that they don’t even have time to recognise their enemies.
Nevertheless, God’s Word is accurate. So, believers, we do have enemies. But it’s not our duty to know them, although we must love them with a pure heart.
Don’t just love those who love you. Balance the beneficiaries of those who receive God’s love from you. Add everyone to it, including the enemies you know nothing about. Be so engrossed in fulfilling your divine assignment that you’ll have no time to pay evil for an evil thing someone did to you in times past.
You’re a blessing.
Father, help me see people under the lens of Your love. So that I, by the inspiration of grace, will be able to express Your ways unto them. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 016
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