Why God Stopped the Building of Babel


You may have read Genesis 11:1-9 several times and have wondered why God stopped the building of Babel (a city with a tower) despite how united the people were. Well, there are several reasons. Learn three of them from the Bible.


You may have read Genesis 11:1-9 several times and have wondered why God stopped the building of Babel (a city with a tower) despite how united the people were. Well, there are several reasons. But how can we understand them since they’re not plain in the scriptures? Let’s delve into three reasons why God allowed Babel to be destroyed.

1. To make humans have dominion over the earth

When God created Adam and Eve in Genesis 1, He said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:28). When God said this, He had the whole worldview in perspective for humanity, not just the garden of Eden.

God wanted (and still wants) humanity to reproduce to the expanse that we’ll fulfil His dominion mandate on our lives in every place in the world. So when the people in Genesis 11 planned to build a city with a tower to prevent their scattering, it was a plot from the enemy to disannul the fulfilment of the dominion prophecy God gave to man since creation. Therefore, God needed to stop this project from continuing despite how strong their unity was.


2. To foster diversity

God has always been a lover of diversity. He isn’t a God who wants everything to be the same. Instead, He wants everything, even in variety, to work together in unity. When you study the human body carefully, you’ll realize that it has several compartments. Yet, all of them work together for it to function as a whole. This dream of God hasn’t changed.

When Jesus left the earth, He gave gifts to men (Ephesians 4:8). Then verse 11 of the same chapter continues to explain that the different gifts Jesus gave to people in His church were actually five. All these things tell us that God loves variety.

Thus, it was wise for God to stop the building of Babel since people with one language and common speech wanted to stay together in one place. In that way, God prevented them from using their unity to avoid the emergence of variety in every area of the world.

3. To prevent humans from receiving self-glory

A third reason why God stopped the building of Babel is that the people were seeking a name for themselves. Look at what they said to one another in Genesis 11:4:

‘Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” ’

Genesis 11:4 NIV (Italicised mine)

God knew that He didn’t create man to share His glory with Him. Everything about our lives is supposed to reflect Him. That is why in Christ, spiritual transformation takes place purposely for us to attain the full measure of Christ in every aspect of our lives.

So when the people in Genesis 11 decided to build the city and tower to make a name for themselves, it was a launch for them to seek their own glory in a world created by God, and that’s why He didn’t allow it to happen. This scene hasn’t changed. There are still people doing big things in this world; yet to make a name for themselves. Can I minister to you?

Everything earthly is temporary, including your name and fame. Only God’s Word is everlasting. The Bible is over 2000 years old, yet it hasn’t lost a single bit of power to transform lives because it contains the words of God, which never fade away.

No matter how much you’ve drifted away from Jesus, He’s calling you to come to Him. Dedicate whatever you’ve built in your name unto Him. You don’t have to lose them. You only have to surrender your ownership and glory unto Him so that He’ll make you His steward over those possessions. After all, He gave you the air and strength you have to build those things. Surrender your life to Jesus today.

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