Every person has at least one thing in life that he (or she) does without much thinking. Most of these actions are habits formed in us since infancy. According to some studies, it takes 21 days to form a habit. Assuming this is true, then the habit formation process isn’t problematic. However, there’s something I’ve seen people struggle to do, which is how to unlearn bad habits when recognized in life.
Understand how habits are formed
Before a habit can be unlearned or gotten rid of, it is crucial to consider how it’s formed. Habits are formed primarily from our repetitive actions. For example, if you’re a person who exercises every Saturday morning, that custom was probably built in you since the day you became consistent in doing it.
God isn’t against habits. He’s just against the practice of bad habits. Some Bible verses give a glimpse of some of Jesus’s habits (which were always good because Jesus knew no sin). One of them is Luke 4:16, where the Bible states clearly that it was Jesus’ custom to go to the Jewish synagogue on the sabbath days of that time. Also, some scriptures reveal some bad habits (traditions) formed by the native Israelites to make God’s commandment to them of no effect (Matthew 15:4-6), for which Jesus rebuked them (Pharisees). So, habits are found in the Bible. The question is, how can the good ones be cultivated and the bad ones unlearned?
Name your bad habits
You cannot deal with something you’ve not identified. If you want to unlearn a bad habit, you must notice it well. The problem with many of us is that we find it hard to identify bad habits because we’re so used to doing them that we seldom evaluate in our minds whether those actions are right or wrong according to the standards of God’s Word.
You cannot deal with something you’ve not identified.
In Haggai 1:7, it’s written that,
This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.”
Haggai 1:7 NIV
You might not know some of the things you do displease God until you give careful thought to your ways. Friend, get some time for yourself and think about your attitude and daily routines. Make sure you have a pen and paper down to write down the habits as you identify them.
Depend on God’s grace, not human efforts, to stop
Some of us can easily identify our bad habits. But most of us end up employing human efforts to stop them (and sometimes build new ones), using apps, reminders, and alarms. I admit they work for some people. But also, such methods don’t work for many others. Why? – Because God has created us in such a way that none of us can do anything impactful, both for our lives and His kingdom without the involvement of Jesus, who is the manifold grace of God (John 1:17). John 15:5 (NIV) says,
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Here’s my point: human efforts may help, but the empowerment to perform the actions to unlearn the bad habits is by grace.
Instead of using human methods to unlearn bad habits, why don’t you pray to God to show you His way of liberating you? God never fails, and so also does His Word. Follow the teachings of Jesus in the light of spiritual understanding. You’ll see that in no time, bad habits will be unlearned and corrected in your life, some without even you noticing it.
Human efforts may help, but the empowerment to perform the actions to unlearn the bad habits is by grace.
Trust God for spiritual transformation
Lastly, I encourage you not to bother yourself about how fast you’re getting spiritually transformed in Christ when you follow His teaching. Focus on listening and participating in God’s Word. Your mind will get renewed, and so transformation will occur automatically.
Habits are real. But Christ is the person to follow if you want to live a life that pleases God. I hope this article has helped you to answer the question of how to unlearn bad habits. You’re a blessing.
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