Spiritual Growth

Showing 12 of 157 Results

The Student Is Not Above the Teacher

Sometimes, you may have more time to study the very things your spiritual head is teaching the entire congregation every day. And so because of that, you can grow to be more knowledgeable than your teacher, which is not wrong, suppose that happens. But follow Jesus’ principle – the student is not above the teacher. The student can be more knowledgeable than the teacher but not as experienced as him.

Give Your Whole Heart to God

In Proverbs 23:26, God said, through Solomon, that give Him your heart and let your eyes delight in His ways. That means that your heart is the most valuable asset you can ever give to God. Following that, staying glued to delighting in God’s ways is awesome for Him.

Deny Yourself and Follow Jesus

Your followership of Jesus may require you to give up some treasured relationships in your life. But the good news is that there are benefits to this sacrifice. Deny yourself and follow Jesus, friend. You’ll benefit from such in ways you’ll not imagine.

Don’t Underwork Yourself As A Believer

Don’t underwork yourself. In other words, don’t settle for less just because what’s in your hands to do right now is little. Invest in yourself. Pay the price to acquire more divine knowledge, even if your level is insignificant today. So that when it’s God’s due time to lift you, you’ll not be bankrupt of wisdom to sustain you at that level.

Don’t Entertain Ungodly Thoughts

As a believer, you must understand that we live in an evil age. So, the things you will see when you step out from your home or outside the brethren are most likely to be evil. Sp guard the purity of your mind by submitting it to the teachings of the Word.

You Shall Rise Again

You don’t need to stay in your fallen state. You shall rise again by His help. And when people are trolling you for any difficulty you’re going through, know that the Lord won’t cause you to be ashamed.

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