
Showing 12 of 86 Results

Have Compassion for Souls

Whether you’re an ordained pastor or a servant in the Lord’s house, reaching out to others with the message of Christ is your responsibility. You have been given the message of reconciliation to live as an ambassador of Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

There Will be No Future for the Wicked

Every person who’s plunged deep in sin doesn’t have any guarantee of a bright future if he continues in sin. That is why repentance and salvation is so significant. Why? Because the two don’t only guarantee you heaven but also bring you closer to God, receive His direction and start walking in His ways.

Salvation for Confused People

Jesus is the solution for all manner of confusion. He said in John 10:27 that His sheep hear His voice and that He knows them, and they follow Him. So, in short, Jesus is salvation for confused people. When you become His sheep and you spend time building intimacy with Him, you will know His voice clearly without doubts.

What You Must Do to be Saved

In Romans 10:9, the Bible says if you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart about His resurrection, you’ll be saved. So there are two prerequisites to have before getting born again – a mouth that confesses Jesus we Lord and personal saviour, and a heart that believes in His name.

The Lord Is Your Keeper

Instead of going through life drained with issues, start thinking about God’s promises for your life. In fact, be so mindful of them that the devil will know you have little to no time to spare thinking about his lies. The Lord will shield you from all forms of harm as you step out to fulfil your divine mandate.

What Brings Joy in Heaven

If you’re a ministry leader reading this, please insist on leading the church to evangelise to people. If you’re a Christian belonging to a church, never forget to preach Jesus to people who come around you or who you encounter in life. Enough of beating around the gospel. Hell must be depopulated. Play your part!

Enter by the Narrow Gate

A purpose-driven way of living makes you live a very tight life. You won’t involve yourself in just anything that comes your way. No! God shows you what to do each day and teaches you how to be committed to the vision.

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