
Showing 12 of 80 Results

You Have Died to Sin

When the devil tempts you and tries to make sin enticing to you in your mind, you must rise quickly to resist him steadfastly in the faith. Why? Because he is after awakening your sinful flesh (which God had put to death) and also misleading you away from God’s ways to the way of death(destruction).

You Have Peace with God

What if I tell you that the one you are afraid to approach because of something wrong you did actually long for you to come to him? That is God’s case now with humanity. Because Jesus has paid for your sin, you have peace with God. What the Almighty held against you has been borne by Christ on the cross. So you are justified.

The Wages of Sin Is Death

Jesus does not want you to live a life full of struggles with sin. He wants a great life for you, whereby you’ll be bent on living on purpose and making a godly impact in this perverse generation. But that can’t be possible if you don’t come to Him. Sin has nothing good to offer you but death. Don’t let the devil deceive you about that.

Do You Love Darkness Rather than Light?

Anybody who is not born again is darkness according to truth from scripture. And in addition to that, such people are bound to be there by the enemy’s power of darkness (see Colossians 1:13). But there is good news. Jesus, the light of the world, has come to redeem everyone trapped in darkness.

Have Compassion for Souls

Whether you’re an ordained pastor or a servant in the Lord’s house, reaching out to others with the message of Christ is your responsibility. You have been given the message of reconciliation to live as an ambassador of Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

There Will be No Future for the Wicked

Every person who’s plunged deep in sin doesn’t have any guarantee of a bright future if he continues in sin. That is why repentance and salvation is so significant. Why? Because the two don’t only guarantee you heaven but also bring you closer to God, receive His direction and start walking in His ways.

Salvation for Confused People

Jesus is the solution for all manner of confusion. He said in John 10:27 that His sheep hear His voice and that He knows them, and they follow Him. So, in short, Jesus is salvation for confused people. When you become His sheep and you spend time building intimacy with Him, you will know His voice clearly without doubts.

What You Must Do to be Saved

In Romans 10:9, the Bible says if you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart about His resurrection, you’ll be saved. So there are two prerequisites to have before getting born again – a mouth that confesses Jesus we Lord and personal saviour, and a heart that believes in His name.

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