It Takes Strength to Remain Patient with the Lord
Before God elevates you to that great height He’s painting in your mind, He must prepare you for it. Embrace that and live in this consciousness.
Ways to follow
Before God elevates you to that great height He’s painting in your mind, He must prepare you for it. Embrace that and live in this consciousness.
In Proverbs 23:26, God said, through Solomon, that give Him your heart and let your eyes delight in His ways. That means that your heart is the most valuable asset you can ever give to God. Following that, staying glued to delighting in God’s ways is awesome for Him.
Although the majority of Christians across the world do not suffer physical harm like the Christians of old, there are still sufferings associated with serving Christ. Is it God’s plan that we suffer and undergo such trials as Christians?
The more people you serve, the greater God makes you. That is His way of lifting people to greatness.
Everybody has dreams. But let me tell you that your dream may be nothing compared to what God has purposed for you to accomplish. Stick to following God’s ways. There’s joy in following Jesus. So don’t give up!
It’s not enough to know God says remember Him in your youthful days. You must walk by that revelation. But how? Simply by taking His Word seriously.
There are some sufferings you cannot escape in life because they’re designed by God to teach you lessons. But in such circumstances, what do you do, especially when you can’t explain why you’re going through that pain? Your answer is in 1 Peter 4:19.
Your divine gift will only command global attention when you’ve refined it so well that God starts advertising you. Never joke with it, but harness it by serving it to others.
No great man in God’s kingdom has a normal life. So don’t settle for normalcy as God’s child while you’re called to do big things. Follow God’s leading even in discomfort, and you’ll not lose your eternal reward.
God is looking for willing people. And if you’ll avail yourself to Him, He’ll do so much through You that this world will tangibly see your divine impact.
In this life, there are people struggling but cannot complain. Some are timid; they prefer living with situations for a long time without being bold enough to confront them. For such people, God’s Word says, speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. But how can you do that? It’s simple. Use your position of influence.
As you follow Jesus, there are some attitudes, possessions and behaviours you can’t carry with you anymore. That’s when you’ll start laying them aside.