
Showing 12 of 54 Results

True and False Disciples

True service to God involves a genuine connection from within, a sincerity that comes from the depths of one’s being. So, whether in public or private, you’re expected to uphold purity in all aspects of your life. To serve God effectively, you need a heart wholly devoted and surrendered to His will because He is holy. Only then can your actions turn from mere religious routines into meaningful service aligned with God’s plan.

Handling Criticism as a Minister

As a follower of Christ, you must learn the art of handling criticism. No matter what you do, they’ll come. People will craft stories about you merely to defame your name and the Jesus you profess. But the good news is that those people didn’t call you; God did.

Give Your Whole Heart to God

In Proverbs 23:26, God said, through Solomon, that give Him your heart and let your eyes delight in His ways. That means that your heart is the most valuable asset you can ever give to God. Following that, staying glued to delighting in God’s ways is awesome for Him.

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