
Showing 12 of 92 Results

Believe in God for Big Things

Imagining great things to pray to God about isn’t bad. At least, it’ll create an expectation in your spirit. But you’ll do yourself great harm if you limit your mind to what you’re expecting God to do. Believe in God for big things.

Let Your Face Shine on Your Servant, God

You don’t have to pray with the intention that God’s face will shine on you. Just commune with Him. The more you do it, the more Christ-like your life will be. And people will see real holiness in your life like never before, even though it’s scarce in this perverse generation.

Hear My Cry for Mercy

In the midst of turbulent circumstances, don’t run away from God like what Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden after they ate from the forbidden tree. Instead, run to God. Speak unto Him. Tell Him what David said in Psalm 28:2, “Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help…”. Speak in tongues if you can. Talk to Him. He’ll be there to calm you down.

How to Walk in Fresh Revelation Every Day

Life is more spiritual than the physical dimension we walk in. Do you know what goes on behind the scenes of life? And how do you live in such a way that you will not fall into trouble? Well, let us read along and see how we can receive fresh revelations from the Lord even as we manoeuvre our way through the turmoils of life.

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