Balance Vision With Patience
Between the time God speaks about the fulfilment of something and the time it gets fully manifested, there’s always a gap. And that is where patience and trust get highly tested.
Between the time God speaks about the fulfilment of something and the time it gets fully manifested, there’s always a gap. And that is where patience and trust get highly tested.
Faith and patience work together. If you have faith that God will do what He said, pray and be patient unto Him to fulfil the vision. It’ll take time, but it’ll get accomplished. Fret not!
Have you ever wondered what to do when God speaks to you? Maybe you’re confused right now, discerning the strategy to use to fulfil God’s instructions. This article is for you.
Maybe you’re hot-tempered because of the way you got raised from home. But I tell you that God has the keys to transform you wholly. He’ll give you beauty for ashes. Enable patience to calm quarrels, and you’ll live a peaceful life.
God may have shown you glimpses of your future, how bright it is or will be. But when you compare where you are today and the beautiful imagination about your life in mind, you just cannot trace your path there. Let me encourage you: it is worth the wait. Grow through the process.
One thing that determines how people speak is the content of their hearts. Jesus said that “… the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Luke 6:45 NIV). So to become a wise giver of answers, you must fill your heart with godly content, that is, the Word.
You don’t have to be fast to reach where God wants you to be. God is the director of your life. He determines the speed with which you ought to move, not yourself. If He tells you to be patient, control yourself and be patient.
When Jesus denied to listen to his unbelieving brothers to go publicly to the festival of Tabernacles in John 7, He did it as a wise man. He later went privately, after they left Him alone. Sometimes, to ease off your pressure, spend some time with God alone, so that other peoples’s voices will become silent.
Let’s stop complaining to God about why He’s not changing every situation in our lives instantly. He wants us to experience growth through trials. For trials bring discomfort, and staying in your comfort zone doesn’t help you. Discern the speakings of God in your situation today.
God exalts those who humble themselves under His mighty hand according to His own timetable. Learn to trust God!
Young man, the picture-perfect person you’ve created in your mind to share life with doesn’t exist. God may have blessed you with one of His daughters to be with, but probably that female isn’t exhibiting all the Christ-centred character traits you desire. Can I tell you something profound in the Word? Read more….
Life isn’t a rush. Life is about purpose. And the director of your life is the Lord of heaven. Be anchored in your identity in Him, and don’t be intimidated by what people are doing to move on. Each person’s race of faith is in Christ, but everyone’s purpose is unique. Walk with the Lord, and obey your leaders in Christ.