
Showing 12 of 16 Results

Do Not Provoke Your Children to Wrath

Many parents don’t understand that children are a heritage from the Lord (see Psalm 127:3). So they treat them as if they own them, even when they’re adults. Now, when your child is very tender, you must train him in God’s ways, disciplining him more strictly. But as the child grows into adulthood, don’t dominate their lives, especially when they are workers. If that happens, it’s really frustrating.

Honour Your Father and Mother

Of a truth, your parents may not know God more than you. But they certainly have more life experiences than you. So your spiritual understanding may be higher than theirs, but their comprehension of life is broader than yours. Honour them and pray for them because, after all, they’ve been faithful to take care of you.

Discipline Your Children

Do you have the privilege of having children, whether spiritually or physically? Then start disciplining them in the ways of the Lord. Forget about their reactions when you do it because they don’t know the effect of their misbehaviour on their future.

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