
Showing 12 of 74 Results

Better the Little that the Righteous Have

If you’re intimate with the Lord but don’t have much wealth, your life is better before Him than many wicked but rich people. Do you know why? Because every wicked but rich person usually earns money in dishonest ways, and such wealth will diminish with time (see Proverbs 10:2).

Do Not Be Overawed When Others Grow Rich

In Psalm 49:16, the Psalmist cautions that you should not be overawed when others grow rich. In other words, don’t let it become jawbreaking news when you see someone you know become wealthy. But why? Because of you don’t know how he got that wealth, whether legitimately or illegitimately and that person won’t carry over that wealth to the grave.

Do Not Work for Food that Spoils

God has created work from the book Genesis when He set man over the entire universe to till and subdue it. You are not only to work for food and earthly satisfaction but live a life of purpose and fulfilment. God has called you to impact generations. Live as such!!

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