
Showing 12 of 223 Results

Preach the Gospel to all Nations

As believers, God has called us to preach the gospel to all nations. Maybe you thought the divine calling applies exclusively to pastors or people in full-time ministry, but it’s not. As we have accepted Christ as our saviour and are part of the body of Christ, it is our divine mandate to spread the good news in whatever way we can.

True and False Disciples

True service to God involves a genuine connection from within, a sincerity that comes from the depths of one’s being. So, whether in public or private, you’re expected to uphold purity in all aspects of your life. To serve God effectively, you need a heart wholly devoted and surrendered to His will because He is holy. Only then can your actions turn from mere religious routines into meaningful service aligned with God’s plan.

Use Your Divine Authority

You have authority over the enemy and his demons. But if you don’t use it, they can capitalise on your ignorance and cause harm in your life without you knowing how to do anything about it. The devil is never your friend, so don’t entertain his evil ways in your life.

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