
8 Results

Sustain A Creative Mentality

Jesus never gave the disciples a method, strategy or medium to spread the gospel. He just told them to go and make disciples of all nations. That means that for them, and now to us to reach the ends of the world, we have been given the liberty to be creative and innovative.

Live As God’s Slave

Joy is in God’s presence. So living according to His dictates would make you live as how your life had been programmed in Christ, long before you came to Him in godly repentance, which led to your salvation. Go and live as such.

Do Not Use Your Freedom To Indulge The Flesh

You’re redeemed in Christ Jesus by His blood so that you’ll live the life you ought to – that life filled with good works which God foreordained for you to live in Christ (Ephesians 2:10). Good works don’t contain evil acts. No work of the flesh is part of the eternal life you’ve been given in Christ.

The Perfect Law of Liberty

By becoming a consistent doer of God’s Word, you also become an onlooker of the perfect law of liberty. What that means is that your life starts to get transformed to become more Christlike. Why? Because the cleansing power of the Word gradually flushes out destructive content in you and replaces it with sound doctrine. And since you live out what’s in you, you’ll begin to manifest the ways of Jesus physically.

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