
Showing 12 of 165 Results

The Tent of the Upright Will Flourish

Even if wicked people are rich enough to have built permanent houses, even full of luxury, in the end, all those possessions will be destroyed. But for righteous people of God, even if they are struggling to find a permanent place to live, they shall flourish where they are.

Do Not Love the World

Instead of focusing on your human efforts not to love the world, why don’t you pursue a deeper intimacy with Jesus so you can have access to the grace to live unto Him in a crooked world? For God is ever willing to help you to live in purity because He knows it’s an integral part of your life to fulfil your divine mandate.

God First Loved You

Never let the devil talk you out of God’s love for you. Do not let Him lie to you that God has given up on you. He is Your Father. He won’t cast you out. He first loved you. He calls you by name.

You Are More Valuable than Birds

You are more valuable than birds. That means God is able to meet your needs far beyond what you’ll just eat to survive. Stop worrying. Stop wailing over what you don’t have. While it’s good to have the future in view, love enjoying today as the day the Lord has made.

Clear Your Old Path

Are you beating yourself up because of the bad things you’ve done this year or so far? I want you to brace yourself up, accept Jesus (if you’re not born again) or rededicate your life to God so that He will clear your old path.

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