
Showing 12 of 13 Results

Don’t Look Somber When You Fast

People who disfigure their faces when they fast are people who fast for people-pleasing and not to get close to God. Don’t be like that. Stay close to God and live as you would live on a day you’re not fasting when you’re actually fasting. The Lord is Your strength.

Three Ways of Stirring Up God’s Favour In Your Life

As children of God, the importance of favour in our lives cannot be overemphasised. It is basically our spiritual legal tender for trade, our certificate in anything we do, our visa to anywhere on this Earth and our key to unlocking any kind of door we want in life, all for the glory of our Father. Here are three ways of stirring up God’s favour in our lives.

Shout Louder To Jesus

Have you ever extremely desired something from the Lord, which men think it’s impossible because of your infirmities? The heart’s desire is there, but people are saying “Shut up; that is impossible.” In such cases, what do you do? You’ve got to shout louder to Jesus.

Four Prerequisites To Effective Fasting For Christians

Jesus said that when the bridegroom (Himself) had been taken from them (signifying his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension to heaven), then they would fast (not “can fast”). That means that fasting is a mandatory spiritual exercise for every Christian, whether one knows it or not. You must fast. But there are prerequisites to effective fasting in Christ. And knowing them will be of great help to you spiritually.

Why You Need To Fast

Fasting is like a hunger strike for many people because the average believer hasn’t been taught in church why he needs to fast alone. Find out why you need to fast in the scriptures today, whether done alone or as a corporate brethren.

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