
Showing 12 of 101 Results

Many Words Don’t Guarantee Answered Prayers

One of the most challenging things to do in prayer is to keep speaking in a natural language for long. In fact, it’s hard to pray in that way. And that is why tongues speaking is so good and beneficial to the believer. It helps you to pray with so much strength and focus on God as the Spirit gives you utterance.

No Word from God Will Ever Fail

God’s timing is very different from that of man’s. So anytime He gives a promise, when He’ll do it is up to Him and not to us. Never allow men to pressure you to make decisions to tamper with God’s timing for fulfilling His prophecies. Your duty is to keep believing in Him and watchful in prayer.

Use Your Divine Authority

You have authority over the enemy and his demons. But if you don’t use it, they can capitalise on your ignorance and cause harm in your life without you knowing how to do anything about it. The devil is never your friend, so don’t entertain his evil ways in your life.

God’s Word Is Like a Hammer

The Bible, which many people regard as just a book, contains God’s Word that can pull down enormous obstacles to the point of them becoming nothing. Dear believer, what has been your challenge for this long? Have you forgotten that GOD CAN DO ALL THINGS?

God’s Word Is Like as a Fire

Perhaps God has put a dream in your heart that He’s going to do great things through you. But you look at yourself now and can’t figure out how you are going to map out the plan to get there because several things are standing in the Word. Can you release the Word God said over those blockages? God’s Word is like as a fire unto those things. So, it will remove all of them from your path step by step.

The Word of God Is Alive

God doesn’t function by our own timing. So when you release a Word, and nothing happens immediately, don’t think such a Word didn’t work. No! As long as you said those words by faith, you have it. Do not let your eyes and mine deceive you.

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