
Showing 12 of 45 Results

Applying the Law of Persistence in Prayer

There are some requests you make to heaven that don’t get sorted out by a few seconds of prayer. No! For some, you must pray about the same thing for months and even years. One of them is prayer for your loved ones to be saved. That kind of prayer doesn’t usually yield results overnight but over time.

You Have What It Takes to Subdue the Earth

You have what it takes to subdue the Earth. You are spiritually blessed in Christ. But it takes divine wisdom to draw out such spiritual blessings to life for the impact of generations, even those unborn. Will you quit depending on corrupt politicians and government officials to do what God has called you to do?

You Shall Rise Again

You don’t need to stay in your fallen state. You shall rise again by His help. And when people are trolling you for any difficulty you’re going through, know that the Lord won’t cause you to be ashamed.

Focus on Finishing Your Faith Journey Well

If you follow Earthly ways to live, which many have followed, it won’t end well with you because you’ll be investing in your flesh so much, which profits nothing, according to Jesus (see John 6:63). However, when you follow the ways of God, your life will move on from glory to glory.

Hold Fast the Word of Life

God has written in His Word that we, His people, should do all things without complaining and disputing. But why? Does it mean when something wrong is being done, we can’t talk? Of course not. The goal isn’t to complain but to make an impact in this perverse generation.

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