How to Know You Love God’s Own
In our families, siblings love one another. Right? Why? Because they are from the same parents. In the same way, you can’t say you love God but hate any of His children, no matter how the person behaves.
In our families, siblings love one another. Right? Why? Because they are from the same parents. In the same way, you can’t say you love God but hate any of His children, no matter how the person behaves.
You train your spiritual eye to see by beholding God’s Word in all that you do. That is why consistent study of the scriptures, coupled with prayer and fasting, is essential in your life as a believer.
Does the devil have a foothold in you? Can you boldly declare that the devil has no trace of sin in you? Can you really do that?
There are several scriptures that give out the characteristics of God’s kingdom. But in Romans 14:17, Paul wrote three of them together. He says God’s kingdom is not meat and drink. But what? Righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
What we need to reign in life is in Christ, not in the world. And what are they? The abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. You cannot gain any of these if you’re an unbeliever.
As believers, God wants us to live so pure and holy that we have nothing to do with sin, even in our weakest selves.
One wise man said, “You’ll never get in sin what you got into sin to get.” Mmm! That is an intriguing truth there. It simply means that if you thought engaging in that sin would satisfy you, you’ll realise that you’ll not get that satisfaction you thought that evil act would give you. The best way to live condemnation-free in Christ is to walk according to the Spirit
As a believer, acknowledge that God’s plan for your life is for your good. He desires to bless you with so much abundance in order to enjoy life as well as be a blessing to others.
Artificial contraception, in itself, is neither good nor bad. But who uses it and the motive for using it will judge. When the unmarried uses it, it is totally wrong and sinful because it will foster fornication. But for married couples, they can use it for effective family planning.
In every male toddler is a man, but until he grows up, that manhood capacity in him is still limited. Increasing your spiritual capacity helps you to go beyond your spiritual limits.
God has unlimited provisions for you. But He primarily wants to develop a deep intimacy with you so that everything He plans to bless your life with will spring out of the consistent love fellowship you have with Him.
When you start to find your identity in what you’ve achieved instead of what God thinks about you, you begin becoming narcissistic. Recognise grace in all your accomplishments, not your human works.