
Showing 12 of 21 Results

Do Not Provoke Your Children to Wrath

Many parents don’t understand that children are a heritage from the Lord (see Psalm 127:3). So they treat them as if they own them, even when they’re adults. Now, when your child is very tender, you must train him in God’s ways, disciplining him more strictly. But as the child grows into adulthood, don’t dominate their lives, especially when they are workers. If that happens, it’s really frustrating.

Are You Judging Others Unconsciously?

It’s easy to find faults and mistakes in others’ lives, but it’s much harder to see our own wrongdoings. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbours and to live a humble life that will make people see Christ in us. That includes avoiding judgment and condemnation of others.

Leave Room For God’s Wrath

There are laws in every country. Taking matters into your own hands to do evil against someone might end you in jail. Even if not, it might cause a break in a godly relationship such that it may be hard for you to recover again. Let your pain build forgiveness in your heart

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